Defines the list of functions to be excluded from the program exection trace.

The FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE environment variable defines the list of patterns to identify functions (and class methods) that must be excluded from the call stack trace.

By default, all functions are traced, starting from the MAIN function, or from the functions listed in FGLTRACE_FUNCTIONS.

In order to exclude functions you don't want to trace, define the FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE environment variable with space-separated list of patterns:

exclude-pattern [...]
  1. exclude-pattern is a string with wildcards like in a MATCHES expression:
    • The * wildcard represents 0 to n characters.
    • The ? wildcard represent a single character.
    • The [ ] wildcards can be used to define a single character in the specified range (use a ^ starting caret for negation).
Important: Unlike FGLTRACE_FUNCTIONS, user functions in FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE must be specified with their module prefix. For example, if you want to exclude the check_order() function of the orders.4gl module, use the qualified name "orders.check_order" in FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE.
The FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE environment variable is typically used to exclude build-in functions and classes such as base.Array.*. Tracing build-in functions car produce a huge log and is not always relevant. For example, if the program uses the base.Array.getLength() method, the trace will report each call to the method, as in FOR i=1 TO arr.getLength().
Tip: To exclude all global built-in functions such as fgl_getenv(), use the <builtin>.* exclusion pattern.

For example, to exclude all methods from the build-in dynamic array class, from the util.JSON class, all om.* package calls and all functions of mymodule with the format debug_[0-9]???, define the variable as follows:

$ FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE="<builtin>.* base.Array.* util.JSON.* om.* mymodule.debug_[0-9]???"
On Windows™:
C:\> set FGLTRACE_EXCLUDE=<builtin>.* base.Array.* util.JSON.* om.* mymodule.debug_[0-9]???