Debugger commands This topic lists all debugger commands. backtrace / where The backtrace commands prints a summary of how your program reached the current state. break The break command defines a break point to stop the program execution at a given line or function. call The call command calls a function in the program. clear The clear command clears the breakpoint at a specified line or function. continue The continue command continues the execution of the program after a breakpoint. delete The delete command allows you to remove breakpoints that you have specified in your debugger session. detach The detach command closes the TCP connection of a remove debug session. disable The disable command disables the specified breakpoint. display The display command displays the specified expression's value each time program execution stops. down The down command moves down in the call stack. echo The echo command prints the specified text as prompt. enable The enable command enables breakpoints that have previously been disabled. finish The finish command continues the execution of a program until the current function returns normally. frame The frame command selects and prints a stack frame. help The help command provides information about debugger commands. ignore The ignore command defines the number of times a breakpoint must be ignored. info The info command describes the current state of your program. list The list command prints source code lines of the program being executed. next The next command continues running the program by executing the next source line in the current stack frame, and then stops. output The output command prints only the value of the specified expression, suppressing any other output. print The print command displays the current value of the specified expression. ptype The ptype command prints the data type or structure of a variable. quit The quit command terminates the debugger session. run The run command starts the program. set The set command allows you to configure your debugger session and change program variable values. source The source command executes a file of debugger commands. signal The signal command sends an interruption signal to the program. step The step command continues running the program by executing the next line of source code, and then stops. tbreak The tbreak command sets a temporary breakpoint. tty The tty command resets the default program input and output for future run commands. undisplay The undisplay command cancels expressions to be displayed when the program execution stops. until The until command continues running the program until the specified location is reached. up The up command selects and prints the function that called this one, or the function specified by the frame number in the call stack. watch The watch command sets a watchpoint for an expression. whatis The whatis command prints the data type of a variable.