Syntax of canvas nodes
The AUI tree contains the XML representation of the canvas, with a variety of elements defining shapes.
Canvas areas are defined in forms with the following XML syntax:
<Canvas colName="name" >
{ <CanvasArc canvasitem-attribute="value" [...] />
| <CanvasCircle canvasitem-attribute="value"[...] />
| <CanvasLine canvasitem-attribute="value"[...] />
| <CanvasOval canvasitem-attribute="value"[...] />
| <CanvasPolygon canvasitem-attribute="value"[...] />
| <CanvasRectangle canvasitem-attribute="value"[...] />
| <CanvasText canvasitem-attribute="value"[...] />
} [...]
Name | Description |
CanvasArc |
Arc defined by the bounding square top left point, a diameter, a start angle, a end angle, and a fill color. |
CanvasCircle |
Circle defined by the bounding square top left point, a diameter, and a fill color. |
CanvasLine |
Line defined by a start point, an end point, width, and a fill color. |
CanvasOval |
Oval defined by rectangle (with start point and endpoint), and a fill color. |
CanvasPolygon |
Polygon defined by a list of points, and a fillcolor. |
CanvasRectangle |
Rectangle defined by a start point, an end point,and a fill color. |
CanvasText |
Text defined by a start point, an anchor hint, the text, and a fill color. |
Name | Values | Description |
startX |
INTEGER (0->1000) |
X position of starting point. |
startY |
INTEGER (0->1000) |
Y position of starting point. |
endX |
INTEGER (0->1000) |
X position of ending point. |
endY |
INTEGER (0->1000) |
Y position of ending point. |
xyList |
Space-separated list of Y X coordinates. For example: "23 45 56 78" defines (x=23,y=45) (x=56,y=78). |
width |
Width of the shape. |
height |
Height of the shape. |
diameter |
Diameter for circles and arcs. |
startDegrees |
Beginning of the angular range occupied by an arc. |
extentDegrees |
Size of the angular range occupied by an arc. |
text |
The text to draw. |
anchor |
"n","e","w","s" |
Anchor hint to give the draw direction for texts. |
fillColor |
Name of the color to be used for the element. |
acceleratorKey1 |
Name of the key associated to a left button click. |
acceleratorKey3 |
Name of the key associated to a right button click. |