SOAP features / SOAP Fault |
If a SOAP fault occurred the operation returns the SOAP fault number in the operation status. The SOAP fault number is defined in the generated stubs as a BDL constant prefixed with the string FaultID_.
# List of Soap fault constants CONSTANT FaultID_DividedByZero = 1 ... # VARIABLE : DividedByZero DEFINE DividedByZero STRING ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="DividedByZero", XMLNamespace="") ... # Operation: Divide # FAULT #1: GLOBALS DividedByZero
You can test the operation status code accordingly and display the SOAP fault message.
ON ACTION divide CALL Divide(op1, op2) RETURNING wsstatus, result, remaind CASE wsstatus WHEN 0 DISPLAY BY NAME result,remaind DISPLAY "OK" TO msg WHEN FaultID_DividedByZero DISPLAY DividedByZero TO msg OTHERWISE DISPLAY wsError.description TO msg END CASE