Step 4: Register the service

Once the Service and operations are defined and the operations are published, the WebService and WebOperation objects have completed their work. Registering a service puts the Genero DVM in charge of the execution of all the operations of that service - dispatching the incoming message to the right service, returning the correct output, and so on. The same service may be registered at different locations on the Web.

The WebServiceEngine is a global built-in object that manages the Server part of the Genero DVM. Use the RegisterService class method of the WebServiceEngine class. The parameter is:

  1. The name of the WebService object
To register the Calculator service example created in Step 3: Create the service and operations:
CALL com.WebServiceEngine.RegisterService(serv)
Note: If you wanted to create a single GWS Server DVM containing multiple Web Services, you could define additional input and output records and repeat steps 2 through 6 for each Web Service. In Step 5: Start the GWS server and process requests, a GWS Server DVM is started, containing as many Web Services as you have defined. See Web services server program deployment for additional discussion of GWS Services and GWS Servers.