Migrating GWS server runners and using new APIs

If you want to take advantage of the new features and simplify future migrations, you can migrate your Genero Web Services (GWS) Server runner and also use the new GWS 2.x APIs. All the 1.3x publishing functions for all the operations in your application must be replaced with 2.x publishing functions. Since this does not change the interface, all existing Genero 1.3x Client applications, as well as third-party Client applications, will continue to work.

Since 1.3x only supports RPC-Encoded style services, you must use the RPC style functions of the new 2.x APIs as the replacement functions, with setInputEncoded and setOutputEncoded set to true. And, you cannot add XML attributes to the records used as Web Service function parameters.

To replace the fgl_ws_server_publishfunction() statement in an existing GWS Server application; for example:
CALL fgl_ws_server_publishfunction(
  "http://tempuri.org/webservices/types/in", "echoInteger_in",
	"http://tempuri.org/webservices/types/out", "echoInteger_out",
  1. Add this statement at the top of each module:
    import com
  2. Define variables for the WebService and WebOperation objects:
    DEFINE serv  com.WebService
    DEFINE op    com.WebOperation  -- Operation of a WebService
  3. Create the GWS Server object:
    LET serv = com.WebService.CreateWebService(
  4. Use the 2.x publishing functions for each operation:
    LET op = com.WebOperation.CreateRPCStyle(
    CALL op.setInputEncoded(true)
    CALL op.setOutputEncoded(true)
    CALL serv.publishOperation(op,NULL)
  5. Compile and re-link your GWS Server application (.42r)

GWS 2.x also allows your Server application (.42r) to contain multiple services. If you would like 2.x and 1.3x GWS to coexist in the same .42r executable, replace the existing publishing 1.3x functions.