Get program control on a regular (timed) basis

Execute some code after a given number of seconds, with or without user interaction with the program.

When to use the ON TIMER trigger?

In some cases, the application needs to execute code on a scheduled basis, for example to process a message arrived in a queue, refresh data on a dashboard, or display resources in time-based graphs.
Important: Unlike the ON IDLE trigger which executes when there is no user activity, the ON TIMER trigger executes even when the user interacts with the application. Therefore, the code executed in an ON TIMER trigger must perform quickly, otherwise the end user will experience poor performance. As a general rule, make sure the time spent in the ON TIMER code is less than the timer interval. For example, if the processing time takes about 2 seconds, it doesn't make sense to have an ON TIMER that triggers every second.

Implementing the ON TIMER trigger

To return control to the program on regular intervals, use the ON TIMER seconds trigger in dialogs. This trigger is dialog specific. It is typically defined in the main dialog of the program, but it can be defined in every dialog.
Important: Consider using the ON TIMER interaction block in dialogs that do not handle field input, such as DISPLAY ARRAY and MENU. If used in input dialogs, this trigger may execute in the middle of a field input, which can force field value validation and raise an input error.
For example:
LET seconds = 120
   ON TIMER seconds
      MESSAGE "Check for messages in queue..."
      -- Query the message server for new messages.
Note that the parameter of the ON TIMER trigger can be a integer variable, but it will only be read when the dialog is started. Changing the variable during dialog execution will have no effect.

A value of zero or less than zero disables the timeout trigger.