Oracle DB NUMBER type

The NUMBER/FLOAT Oracle data type can now be extracted by fgldbsch to create .sch files.

Before Genero 3.00, columns using the native Oracle NUMBER/NUMBER(p>32) type (with up to 38 significant digits), or the FLOAT(b) type (when (b/3)>32), were denied by the fgldbsch schema extractor. This restriction was applied to avoid potential overflow errors, if the Oracle NUMBER/FLOAT column contains values that do not fit into a BDL DECIMAL(32,s) type.

Starting with Genero 3.00, fgldbsch can map NUMBER/FLOAT native Oracle types to BDL DECIMAL(32) or DECIMAL(32,s) types, according to the -cv option:
  • NUMBER (floating point number) is extracted as DECIMAL(32)
  • NUMBER(p>32) (scale defaults to 0) is extracted as DECIMAL(32,0)
  • NUMBER(p>32,s) or NUMBER(*,s) is extracted as DECIMAL(32,s)
  • FLOAT(b) is extracted as DECIMAL(b/3) or FLOAT

For more details about Oracle type conversion rules and -cv type positions, run fgldbsch with the -cx ora option.

Note: This new behavior has been introduced to simplify integration with existing Oracle databases, to extract .sch schema from databases using column types that have no exact equivalent BDL type. When designing new database tables, you should only use DECIMAL(p,s), with p<=32 to achieve maximum portability. When fetching numeric values with more than 32 significant digits into BDL decimals, values will be rounded for DECIMAL(32), or raise an overflow error -1226 for DECIMAL(32,s).