Platform-specific notes for the JVM

On some platforms like HP-UX® and AIX®, you must pay attention to additional configuration settings in order to use the Java™ Interface. For more details, see the OS specific notes in the installation guide.

On Microsoft™ Windows™ platforms, make sure that the PATH envrionment variable does not contain double quotes arround the path to the JVM.DLL dynamic library, otherwise the DLL loader will fail to load the JVM.

On Android™ devices, Java classes must be part of the .apk package and can be used without any further configuration.

On Mac OS X, the usage of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is strongly discouraged, especially since OS X 10.11 this environment variable is no longer exported in sub processes. In order to load the JVM, the runtime system will first try a regular dlopen("libjvm"). If this system call fails, the runtime system will lookup for the libjvm.dylib library under the typical $JAVA_HOME/jre directories (for example, $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/client).
Note: In order to find JAVA_HOME on Mac OS X, use the /usr/libexec/java_home tool:
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`