Wildcards in the URL base

By using a wildcard in the URL, you can create a URL base that applies to multiple server applications. URLs that have the same URL base can share server configuration (such as authentication and HTTPS).

To create a URL base, add a wildcard (/*) to the end of a URL in the fglprofile entry. A server application that starts with this URL (and that is not explicitly defined elsewhere) shares the configuration with other applications that also start with the same base URL. If an application has its own server configuration explicitly defined, it uses its specific entries instead of those defined by the wildcard configuration.

Consider this excerpt from a hypothetical fglprofile:
authenticate.auth.login     = "xxx"
authenticate.auth.password  = "yyy"
authenticate.auth.scheme    = "Basic"

security.sec.certificate    = "client.crt"
security.sec.privatekey     = "client.pem"

ws.myapp.url                = "http://mycompany.com/sample/*"
ws.myapp.authenticate       = "auth"
ws.myapp.security           = "sec"

ws.thirdapp.url             = "http://mycompany.com/sample/application3"
ws.thirdapp.authenticate    = "auth3"

authenticate.auth3.login    = "aaa"
authenticate.auth3.password = "bbb"
authenticate.auth3.scheme   = "Basic"
Based on this example:
Note: This applies to: