Reference / Using fglwsdl to generate code from WSDL or XSD schemas |
If a WSDL or a XSD has global XML elements or attributes defined with an inlined type, the -fInlineTypes option of fglwsdl generates a TYPE definition representing that inline type, using the original WSDL/XSD name of the element or attribute, concatenated with the string 'GlobalAttributeType' or 'GlobalElementType'.
For example, when using fglwsdl -fInlineTypes, the following schema:
<xs:element name="getAlertListRequestFlow"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="getAlertListRequest" type="amp:getAlertListRequest" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>
Will produce:
TYPE tgetAlertListRequestFlowGlobalElementType RECORD ATTRIBUTES(XMLSequence) getAlertListRequest tgetAlertListRequest ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="getAlertListRequest") END RECORD DEFINE getAlertListRequestFlow tgetAlertListRequestFlowGlobalElementType ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="getAlertListRequestFlow")
Instead of:
DEFINE getAlertListRequestFlow RECORD ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="getAlertListRequestFlow",XMLSequence) getAlertListRequest tgetAlertListRequest ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="getAlertListRequest") END RECORD