The APNS class / APNs examples |
The com.APNS class can be used to implement an APNs push provider.
The following code example implements a push program using the com.APNS API to send a notification message to devices by using the TCP request API. See also com.APNS methods for more details about the APNs API.
IMPORT com IMPORT security IMPORT util MAIN DEFINE json STRING DEFINE deviceTokenHexa STRING DEFINE req com.TCPRequest DEFINE resp com.TCPResponse DEFINE uuid STRING DEFINE ecode INTEGER DEFINE dt DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND DEFINE exp INTEGER DEFINE data, err BYTE LOCATE data IN MEMORY LOCATE err IN MEMORY LET deviceTokenHexa = "84e3................." LET dt = CURRENT + INTERVAL(10) MINUTE TO MINUTE LET exp = util.Datetime.toSecondsSinceEpoch(dt) TRY LET req = com.TCPRequest.create( "tcps://" ) CALL req.setKeepConnection(true) CALL req.setTimeout(2) # Wait 2 seconds for APNs to return an error code LET uuid = security.RandomGenerator.createRandomString(4) LET json = '{"aps":{"alert":"Hello, world","sound":"default","badge":1,"content-available":1}}' CALL com.APNS.EncodeMessage( data, security.HexBinary.ToBase64(deviceTokenHexa), json, uuid, exp, 10 ) IF LENGTH(data) > 2000 THEN DISPLAY "APNS payload cannot exceed 2 kilobytes" EXIT PROGRAM 1 END IF DISPLAY "Sending notif with ID:",uuid," and expiring at ",dt CALL req.doDataRequest(data) LET resp = req.getResponse() TRY CALL resp.getDataResponse(err) CALL com.APNS.DecodeError(err) RETURNING uuid, ecode DISPLAY "ERROR code :",ecode DISPLAY "ERROR uuid :",uuid CATCH CASE STATUS WHEN -15553 DISPLAY "Timeout Push sent without error" WHEN -15566 DISPLAY "Operation failed :", SQLCA.SQLERRM WHEN -15564 DISPLAY "Server has shutdown" OTHERWISE DISPLAY "ERROR :",STATUS END CASE END TRY CATCH DISPLAY "ERROR :",STATUS||" ("||SQLCA.SQLERRM||")" END TRY END MAIN