This section explains how to use image resources in a gICAPI web
Image resources in gICAPI web components
In some cases, web components require image resources, which can be classified as
- Common (static) image resources, that are part of the gICAPI web component
implementation. This category of image resource can be referenced with absolute
URLs (retrieved automatically by the HTML viewer), or can be deployed as part of
the gICAPI web component assets, when referenced with relative URLs.
- Private (variable) image resources, that are displayed by the program at
runtime. This category of image resource can be referenced with absolute URLs
(retrieved automatically by the HTML viewer), or can be provided by using the
ui.Interface.filenameToURI() / FGLIMAGEPATH mechanism (as
described below).
Referencing image resources in HTML
Image resources are typically referenced in HTML within the
<img/> element, by setting the src attribute to
a relative or absolute URL:
The following example uses an absolute URL:
<img src="" alt="Smiley face" height= "42" width= "42" >
This example uses a relative URL:
<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" height= "42" width= "42" >
The gICAPI web component framework can automatically retrieve image resources. If the
value is not an absolute or relative URL that can be resolved by the HTML viewer,
the image resources are retrieved from the Genero application using the
ui.Interface.filenameToURI() / FGLIMAGEPATH mechanism.
Providing static images in gICAPI web component files
To provide common static images as assets of your gICAPI web component, provide the
image files along with the main HTML file, typically in a dedicated directory. For
example, if you define the following directory structure:
The HTML content of the web component can reference common static images as
<img src="images/redraw.gif" alt="Smiley face" height= "42" width= "42" >
Providing application images from Genero programs
Some gICAPI web components display variable image resources provided at runtime. For
example, a photo gallery web component displaying pictures. Such image resources are
usually private to the application.
To use image resources that are not static images part of the gICAPI web component
- Reference absolute URLs directly in the HTML content (in "src"
attributes of image elements) with http:,
https: or file: shemes, to be retrieved
automatically by the HTML viewer, or:
- Reference image resources in the HTML content with the URI returned from the
ui.Interface.filenameToURI() method, to provide image
files from the platform where the application executes (can be a server or
mobile device):
- When running the application on a server behind the GAS, the
filenameToURI() method will convert the local file path to
a URL that will make the image file available through the GAS.
- When using a direct connection to the front-end (typical GDC desktop
configuration with application running on a server), the file name will be
returned as is and the images will then be transmitted through the
FGLIMAGEPATH mechanism, as described in Providing the image resource.
- When running apps on mobile devices, the filenameToURI()
method will build the complete path to the local file, according to the list
of directories defined in the FGLIMAGEPATH environment
variable. The image resource is then directly read from the device file
Try Example 5: Application images in gICAPI web component, to see this method
in practice.