Split views / Examples |
This application uses a minimum amount of code to describe a typical implementation of parallel dialogs that result in a split view application, with a list in the left pane and the detail for the selected row in the right pane. It uses only one split view.
The code in the MAIN block creates the left pane/window and the right pane/window by specifiying the TYPE attribute in OPEN WINDOW.
The left window will display a form comprised of a table view of all records (a1_list_view), the other window contains a form with the detail view of a single record from the array (a1_detail_view)
The START DIALOG statements, along with the WHILE fgl_eventLoop() loop, creates the parallel dialog on which a split view depends.
DEFINE arr DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(15), date DATE, comment VARCHAR(30) END RECORD DEFINE curr_pa SMALLINT MAIN CLOSE WINDOW SCREEN CALL populate_array() OPEN WINDOW w_left WITH FORM "list_view" ATTRIBUTES(TYPE=LEFT) START DIALOG d_list_view OPEN WINDOW w_right WITH FORM "detail_view" ATTRIBUTES(TYPE=RIGHT) START DIALOG d_detail_view WHILE fgl_eventLoop() END WHILE END MAIN DIALOG d_list_view() DISPLAY ARRAY arr TO sr.* ATTRIBUTES(ACCESSORYTYPE=DISCLOSUREINDICATOR) BEFORE ROW -- in BEFORE ROW, we restart the details view CURRENT WINDOW IS w_right TERMINATE DIALOG d_detail_view LET curr_pa = arr_curr() DISPLAY BY NAME arr[curr_pa].* DISPLAY SFMT("tapped row %1",arr_curr()) TO info START DIALOG d_detail_view CURRENT WINDOW IS w_left END DISPLAY END DIALOG DIALOG d_detail_view() MENU ON ACTION an_action MESSAGE "The action an_action was selected!" ON ACTION details IF edit_details() THEN DISPLAY BY NAME arr[curr_pa].* END IF END MENU END DIALOG FUNCTION edit_details() -- A modal dialog disables all parallel dialogs OPEN WINDOW w_details WITH FORM "details" ATTRIBUTES(TYPE=POPUP, STYLE="popup") LET int_flag=FALSE INPUT BY NAME arr[curr_pa].name, arr[curr_pa].comment WITHOUT DEFAULTS CLOSE WINDOW w_details RETURN (int_flag==FALSE) END FUNCTION FUNCTION populate_array() DEFINE i INT FOR i=1 TO 40 LET arr[i].id=i LET arr[i].name="item "||i LET arr[i].date=TODAY LET arr[i].comment="item-detail "||i END FOR END FUNCTION
This form definition file provides the table, or list, of records in the array. Even though four table columns are defined, only two display.
This form definition file displays the details for a single record in the array.
LAYOUT (TEXT="Details") GRID { Id [f01 ] Name [f02 ] Date [f03 ] Comment [f04 ] Info [f05 ] [b1_details ] } END END ATTRIBUTES EDIT f01=FORMONLY.id; EDIT f02=FORMONLY.name, SCROLL; EDIT f03=FORMONLY.date; EDIT f04=FORMONLY.comment, SCROLL; EDIT f05=FORMONLY.info; BUTTON b1_details:details,TEXT="Modify details"; END
This is a simple form containing a two fields that will be used in the program by the edit_details() function to modify item details.
LAYOUT (TEXT="Edit details") GRID { Name: [f01 ] Comment: [f02 ] [ ] } END END ATTRIBUTES EDIT f01=FORMONLY.name, SCROLL; TEXTEDIT f02=FORMONLY.comment, STRETCH=BOTH; END