DATE and DATETIME data types

Informix® provides two data types to store date and time information:

SQLite 3 does not have a native type for date/time storage, but you can use data/time type names and functions based on the string representation of dates and times. The date/time values are stored in the TEXT native type. The date/time functions of SQLite are based on standard DATE (YYYY-MM-DD), TIME (hh:mm:ss) and TIMESTAMP (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) concepts.

For maximum flexibility with other RDBMS SQL languages, SQLite allows to define table columns with your own type names. You can for example use the SMALLDATETIME, SMALLTIME, TIME(N), DATETIME(N) type names.


The following conversions are done by the ODI SQLite driver for date/time types:

See also Date and time in SQL statements for good SQL programming practices.