SQL adaptation guide for IBM Netezza 6.x / Data dictionary |
Informix® supports several data types to store numbers:
Informix data type | Description |
SMALLINT | 16 bit signed integer |
INT / INTEGER | 32 bit signed integer |
BIGINT | 64 bit signed integer |
INT8 | 64 bit signed integer (replaced by BIGINT) |
DEC / DECIMAL | Equivalent to DECIMAL(16) |
DEC / DECIMAL(p) | Floating-point exact decimal number, with p significant digits |
DEC / DECIMAL(p,s) | Fixed-point exact decimal number, with p significant digits as s decimals |
MONEY | Equivalent to DECIMAL(16,2) |
MONEY(p) | Equivalent to DECIMAL(p,2) |
MONEY(p,s) | Equivalent to DECIMAL(p,s) |
REAL / SMALLFLOAT | 32-bit floating point decimal (C float) |
DOUBLE PRECISION / FLOAT[(n)] | 64-bit floating point decimal (C double) |
Netezza® supports the following data types to store numbers:
Netezza data type | Description |
BYTEINT | 8-bit value with the range -128 to 127 |
SMALLINT | 16 bit signed integer |
INTEGER | 32 bit signed integer |
BIGINT | 64 bit signed integer |
NUMERIC(p,s) / DECIMAL(p,s) | Exact decimal number with p significant digits and s decimals (1<=p<=38) |
NUMERIC(p) / DECIMAL(p) | Integer with precision p (1<=p<=38) |
NUMERIC / DECIMAL | Integer, same as NUMERIC(18,0) |
FLOAT(p) with 1 <= p <= 6 | 16 bit approx floating point (C float) |
FLOAT(p) with 7 <= p <= 15 | 32 bit approx floating point (C double) |
REAL | same as FLOAT(6) |
There is no Netezza equivalent for the Informix DECIMAL(p) floating point decimal (i.e. without a scale). If your application uses such data types, you must review the database schema in order to use Netezza compatible types.
To workaround the Netezza limitation, the NTZ database drivers converts DECIMAL(p) types to a DECIMAL( 2*p, p ), to store all possible numbers that an Informix DECIMAL(p) can store. However, the original Informix precision cannot exceed 19, since the Netezza maximum DECIMAL precision is 38(2*19). If the original precision is bigger than 19, a CREATE TABLE statement executed from a Genero program will fail with an SQL error.