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Gives a basic introduction to JSON.
JSON (JavaScriptâ„¢ Object Notation) is a well known lightweight data-interchange format for JavaScript.
A JSON string (or object) is a comma-separated list of name/value pairs, with a : colon separating the key and the value. The list of name/value pairs is enclosed in {} curly braces. The names are delimited by double-quotes. The value can be a single numeric value, a double-quotes string, an array, or a sub-element. Arrays are defined by a comma-separated list of values enclosed in [] square brackets. Sub-elements are defined inside {} curly braces and defineds name/value pairs.
{ "cust_num":865234, "cust_name":"McCarlson", "order_ids":[234,3456,24656,34561], "address": { "street":"34, Sunset Bld", "city":"Los Angeles", "state":"CA" } }
For more details, see http://www.json.org.