Calling a method of a class

Class methods (static method in Java™) can be called without instantiating an object of the class. Static method invocation must be prefixed with the class name. In the next example, the compile() class method of Pattern class returns a new instance of a Pattern object:
IMPORT JAVA java.util.regex.Pattern
    DEFINE p Pattern
    LET p = Pattern.compile("[,\\s]+")
If you define a variable with the same name as a Java class, you must fully qualify the class when calling static methods, as shown in this example:
IMPORT JAVA java.util.regex.Pattern
IMPORT JAVA java.util.regex.Matcher
    DEFINE Pattern Pattern
    DEFINE Matcher Matcher
    -- static method, needs full qualifier
    LET Pattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("[a-z]+")
    -- regular instance method, Pattern resolves to variable
    LET Matcher = Pattern.matcher("abcdef")

Note that in Genero, program variables are case-insensitive (Pattern = pattern).