Attributes of the DISPLAY ARRAY clause of a DIALOG block.

HELP option

The HELP attribute defines the number of the help message to be displayed when invoked and focus is in the list controlled by the DISPLAY ARRAY sub-dialog. The predefined 'help' action is automatically created by the runtime system. You can bind action views to the 'help' action.

The HELP clause overrides the HELP attribute.

COUNT option

The COUNT attribute defines the number of valid rows in the static array to be displayed as default rows. If you do not use the COUNT attribute, the runtime system cannot determine how much data to display, so the screen array remains empty. The COUNT option is ignored when using a dynamic array, unless page mode is used. In this case, the COUNT attribute must be used to define the total number of rows, because the dynamic array will only hold a page of the entire row set. If the value of COUNT is negative or zero, it defines an empty list.

See also Controlling the total number of rows.


The DOUBLICKCLICK option can be used to define the action that will be fired when the user chooses a row from the list. On front-end platforms using a mouse-device, this corresponds to a physical double-click on a row with the mouse. On mobile front-ends, this corresponds to a tap on the row with a finger. Note that this attribute can also be defined for the TABLE/TREE containers in form files; DOUBLECLICK in DISPLAY ARRAY attributes has a higher precedence as DOUBLECLICK in the form file. For more details, see Defining the action for a row choice.


Important: This feature is only for mobile platforms.

The ACCESSORYTYPE attribute can be used to define the decoration of rows, typically used on a iOS device. Values can be DETAILBUTTON, DISCLOSUREINDICATOR, CHECKMARK to respectively get a (i), > or checkmark icon. For more details, see Row configuration on iOS devices.


Important: This feature is only for mobile platforms.

The DETAILACTION attribute can be used to define the action that will be fired when the user selects the detail button of a row. The detail button is typically shown with a (i) icon on iOS devices. Note that the DOUBLECLICK attribute can be used to distinguish the action when the user selects the row instead of the detail button in the row. For more details, see Row configuration on iOS devices.