Install IBM Informix and create a database - database
configuration/design tasks
Install the IBM® Informix® database software
(IDS for example) on your database server.
Install the IBM Informix Software Development
Kit (SDK) on your application server. With some IBM Informix distributions (IDS 11), this package
is included in the server bundle. You should check the IBM web site for SDK upgrades or patches. Genero
BDL is certified with IBM Informix SDK version 3.50 or
Define a database user dedicated to your application: the application
administrator, referenced as appadmin elsewhere in this
documentation. This user will manage the database schema
of the application (all tables will be owned by it). With IBM Informix, database users reference Operating
System users, and must be part of the IBM Informix group. See IBM Informix documentation.
Connect to the server as IBM Informix user (for example
with the dbaccess tool) and give all requested database administrator
privileges to the application administrator.
GRANT DBA TO appadmin;
Connect as application administrator and create an IBM Informix database entity, for example with
the following SQL statement: