Toolbar style attributes

Toolbar style presentation attributes apply to a toolbar.

Table 1. ToolBar style attributes
Attribute Description GDC CLIENT HTML5 CLIENT
scaleIcon Defines the scaling behaviors of the icon associated to ToolBarItem nodes.

If an icon must be scaled, the source image will never be upscaled causing pixelization or blurring of the image. The notable exception is when the image come from an SVG file which can be upscaled or downscaled without any penalty. If the icon must be made bigger, the image will be centered and a transparent border will be added around to "fill" the empty space. This allows for a mix of big and smaller icons, while keeping widget alignment.

If the image is scaled, the aspect ratio of the original image will be kept, keeping non square source as non square scaled icon.

Values can be:
  • "no": No scaling occurs at all, the image is taken "as is". It's up to the user to resize the source image to avoid toolbutton text misalignment.
  • "yes": Image is scaled down according to the height of the button. Setting a "big" font with text beside icon, may result with a "big" icon.
  • "nnnpx": Image is scaled down according to the specified size. For example, scaleIcon="128px" will make every icon have no more than 128*128 pixels, but at least one side equal to 128 pixels, depending if the source image is square or not.

By default, when the attribute is not set, the image is scaled down to match a fixed value of 16*16 pixels.

Yes Yes

Defines the text position of a ToolBarItem.

Values can be:
  • "textBesideIcon"
  • "textUnderIcon" (default)
Yes Yes