Interval formatting mask

An interval formatting mask specifies a format to apply to some interval value. This mask must be combination of Class 1 interval or Class 2 interval formatting directives:
Table 1. Class 1 formatting directives ( YEAR to MONTH ) for the INTERVAL data type
Character Description
%C Identifies century number (year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer)
%iy Identifies the year as a 2-digit number (00 to 99).
%iY Identifies the year as a 4-digit number (0000 to 9999).
%m Identifies the month as a number (01 to 12). Single digit is preceded by zero.
%y Identifies the year as a 2-digit number (00 to 99).
%Y Identifies the year as a 4-digit number (0000 to 9999).
Table 2. Class 2 formatting directives ( DAY to FRACTION ) for the INTERVAL data type
Character Description
%a Identifies abbreviated weekday name as defined in locale.
%A Identifies full weekday name as defined in locale.
%d Identifies the day of the month (01 to 31). Single digit is preceded by zero.
%e Identifies the day of the month as a number (1 to 31). Single digit is preceded by space.
%Fn Identifies value of the fraction of a second, with precision specified by integer n. Range of n is 0 to 5.
%H Identifies the hour as 24-hour clock integer (00-23).
%I Identifies the hour as 12-hour clock integer (00-12).
%M Identifies the minute as an integer (00-59).
%S Identifies the second as an integer (00-61). Second can be up to 61 instead of 59 to allow for the occasional leap second and double leap second.
%w Identifies the weekday as a number (0 to 6), where 0 is the locale equivalent of Sunday.
Table 3. Specials formatting directives ( DAY to FRACTION ) for the INTERVAL data type
Character Description
%% Identifies the % character.
%n Identifies a newline character.
%t Identifies a TAB character.