C API functions

Table 1. C API functions
Function Description
bycmpr() Compares two groups of contiguous bytes
byleng() Returns the number of bytes as significant characters in the specified string
bycopy() Copies a specified number of bytes to another location in memory
byfill() Fills a specified number of bytes in memory
risnull() Checks whether a given value is NULL
rsetnull() Sets a variable to NULL for a given data type
rgetmsg() Returns a message text
rgetlmsg() Returns a message text
rtypalign() Returns the position to align a variable at the proper boundary for its data type
rtypmsize() Returns the size in bytes required for a specified data type
rtypname() Returns the name of a specified data type
rtypwidth() Returns the minimum number of characters required to convert a specified data type to a character data type
rdatestr() Converts a date to a string
rdayofweek() Returns the week day of a date
rdefmtdate() Converts a string to a date by using a specific format
ifx_defmtdate() Converts a string to a date by using a specific format, with century option
rfmtdate() Converts a date to a string by using a specific format
rjulmdy() Extracts month, day and year from a date
rleapyear() Checks whether a year is a leap year
rmdyjul() Builds a date from month, day, year
rstrdate() Converts a string to a date
ifx_strdate() Converts a date to a string by using a specific format, with the century option
rtoday() Returns the current date
ldchar() Copies a fixed-length string into a null-terminated string without trailing spaces
rdownshift() Converts a string to lowercase characters
rfmtdouble() Formats a double value in a specified format
rfmtint4() Formats a 4-byte int value in a specified format
rstod() Converts a string to a double
rstoi() Converts a string to a 2-byte integer (but it takes an int pointer as parameter!)
rstol() Converts a string to a 4-byte integer (but it takes an long pointer as parameter!)
rupshift() Converts a string to uppercase characters
stcat() Concatenates a null-terminated string to another
stchar() Concatenates a null-terminated string to a fixed char
stcmpr() Compares two strings
stcopy() Copies a string into another
stleng() Returns the number of bytes of significant characters, including trailing spaces
decadd() Adds two decimals
deccmp() Compares two decimals
deccopy() Copies one decimal into another
deccvasc() Converts a string to a decimal
deccvdbl() Converts a double to a decimal
deccvflt() Converts a float to a decimal
deccvint() Converts a 4-byte integer to a decimal (parameter is a machine-dependent int pointer)
deccvlong() Converts a 4-byte integer to a decimal
decdiv() Divides a decimal by another decimal
dececvt() To convert a decimal value to a string value, specifying the length of the string (the total number of digits)
decfcvt() To convert a decimal value to a string value, specifying the number of digits to the right of the decimal point
decmul() Multiplies a decimal by another
decround() Rounds a decimal to the specified number of digits
decsub() Subtracts two decimals
dectoasc() Formats a decimal
dectodbl() Converts a decimal to a double
dectoflt() Converts a decimal to a float
dectoint() Converts a decimal to a 2-byte integer (parameter is machine-dependent int pointer)
dectolong() Converts a decimal to a 4-byte integer
dectrunc() Truncates a decimal to a given number of digits
rfmtdec() Formats a decimal
dtaddinv () Adds an interval to a datetime
dtcurrent() Returns the current datetime
dtcvasc() Converts a string in normalized format to a datetime
ifx_dtcvasc() Converts a string in normalized format to a datetime, with century option
dtcvfmtasc() Converts a string to a datetime by using a specific format
ifx_dtcvfmtasc() Converts a string to a datetime by using a specific format, with the century option
dtextend() Extends a datetime
dtsub() Subtracts a datetime from another datetime
dtsubinv() Subtracts an interval from a datetime
dttoasc() Formats a datetime in normalized format
dttofmtasc() Formats a datetime in a specified format
ifx_dttofmtasc() Formats a datetime in a specified format, with the century option
incvasc() Converts a string in normalized format to an interval
incvfmtasc() Converts a string to an interval by using a specific format
intoasc() Formats an interval in normalized format
intofmtasc() Formats an interval in a specified format
invdivdbl() Divides an interval by using a double
invdivinv() Divides an interval by using another interval
invextend() Extends an interval
invmuldbl() Multiplies an interval by a double