These topics covers security and Genero Web Services.
Encryption and authentication
A scenario involving a person (Georges) and his bank guides you through the concepts of secured communication, certificates, and certificate authorities.
Accessing secured services
Security and authentication are important. Genero Web Services provides various communications options for a client to connect to a Web Service.
HTTPS configuration
If no HTTPS is provided, Genero Web Services (GWS) does the HTTPS request transparently.
Certificates in practice
Procedures and tools for creating, importing, and viewing certificates and keys.
Examining certificates
When you receive a URL in https, you are asked to either accept a certificate or the certificate has already been accepted. In the second case, you can still check the server certificate.
Troubleshoot common issues
You may encounter known (and common) issues when completing the Genero Web Services tutorials or when adding Web services of your own. These issues and their solutions are presented in the following topics.
The Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm
Diffie-Hellman is a key-agreement algorithm. It allows two peers to agree on the same symmetric key, the shared secret, without exchanging confidential data.