XML security classes / The CryptoKey class |
Methods for the xml.CryptoKey class.
Name | Description |
xml.CryptoKey.Create( url STRING ) RETURNING object xml.CryptoKey |
Initializes an xml.CryptoKey object. Constructor of an empty CryptoKey object depending on a url. |
xml.CryptoKey.CreateFromNode( url STRING, node xml.DomNode ) RETURNING object xml.CryptoKey |
Constructor of a new CryptoKey object depending on a url and from a XML node, according to the XML-Signature and XML-Encryption specification. |
xml.CryptoKey.CreateDerivedKey( url STRING ) RETURNING object xml.CryptoKey |
Constructor of an empty CryptoKey object intended to be derived before use, and depending on a url. |
Name | Description |
Returns the key identifier as an URL, as defined in the XML-Signature and XML-Encryption specification. |
getType() RETURNING type STRING |
Returns the type of key. |
getUsage() RETURNING usage STRING |
Returns the usage of the key. |
getSize() RETURNING size INTEGER |
Returns the size of the key in bits. |
compareTo( secondKey xml.CryptoKey ) RETURNING flag INTEGER |
Compares a CryptoKey object to a second key. |
Returns the SHA1 encoded key identifier in a base64 encoded STRING. |
See also The Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm.
Name | Description |
setKey( key STRING ) |
Defines the value of a HMAC or Symmetric key. |
generateKey( size INTEGER ) |
Generates a random key of given size (in bits). |
deriveKey( method STRING, label STRING, seed STRING, created STRING, offset INTEGER, size INTEGER ) |
Derives the symmetric or HMAC CryptoKey object using the given method identifier and concatenating the optional label, the mandatory seed value and the optional created date as initial random value. |
Name | Description |
computeKey( otherPubKey xml.CryptoKey, url STRING ) RETURNING sharedSecret xml.CryptoKey |
Computes the shared secret based on the given modulus, generator, the private key and the other peer's public key. The returned key can be any of symmetric/HMAC or symmetric/encryption key type. It can be used for symmetric signature or symmetric encryption. |
loadBIN( file STRING ) |
Loads a symmetric or HMAC key from a file in raw format. |
loadDER( file STRING ) |
Loads an asymmetric DSA key, an asymmetric RSA key or Diffie-Hellman parameters from a file in DER format. |
loadPEM( file STRING ) |
Loads an asymmetric DSA key, an asymmetric RSA key or Diffie-Hellman parameters from a file in PEM format. |
loadFromString( str STRING ) |
Loads the given key in BASE64 string format into a CryptoKey object. |
loadPrivate( xml xml.DomDocument ) |
Loads the private asymmetric RSA key in the given XML document into the private part of this CryptoKey object, according to the XKMS2.0 specification. |
loadPublic( xml xml.DomDocument ) |
Loads the public asymmetric RSA or DSA key in the given XML document into the public part of this CryptoKey object, according to the XML-Signature specification for DSA and RSA key value. |
loadPublicFromString( pubKeyStr STRING ) |
Populate the current CryptoKey object with the passed public key. |
savePrivate() RETURNING object xml.DomDocument |
Saves the private part of an asymmetric RSA CryptoKey object into a XML document according to the XKMS2.0 specification. |
savePublic() RETURNING object xml.DomDocument |
Saves the public part of an asymmetric RSA or DSA CryptoKey object or the parameters and the public key of the Diffie-Hellman object into a XML document according to the XML-Signature specification for DSA and RSA and Diffie-Hellman key values. |
savePublicToString() RETURNING str STRING |
Save the current xml.CryptoKey's public part in the returned base64 string. |
saveToString() RETURNING str STRING |
Saves the CryptoKey object into a BASE64 string format. |
Name | Description |
setFeature( feature STRING, value STRING ) |
Sets or resets the value of a feature for a CryptoKey object. |
getFeature( feature STRING ) RETURNING value STRING |
Returns the value of the given feature for this CryptoKey object, or NULL. |