From program to component

The following methods of the gICAPI object will be called by the web component interface:

Table 1. Object methods of the gICAPI object (program to component)
Name Description
onFocus( polarity BOOLEAN ) Called when program sets focus in or out.
onData( data STRING ) Called when a form field value changes.
onProperty( property STRING ) Called when a web component property has been added/removed, or its value has changed.

onFocus( polarity BOOLEAN )

This function will be called when the focus changes; polarity is set to true if the WebComponent gains the focus, false if the Component loses the focus.

onData( data STRING )

This function will be called when the program value of the form field has been changed. The new value will be data.

onProperty( property STRING )

This function will be called when one of the properties of the component has changed (been created/removed or value changed). The format used to pass properties is JSON. The complete property set is sent in the parameter each time this function is called.