Using types in programs

Define a type as a synonym for an existing data type, or as a shortcut for records and array structures.

After declaring a type, it can be used as a normal data type to define variables.

TYPE t_customer RECORD
         cust_num INTEGER,
         cust_name VARCHAR(50),
         cust_addr VARCHAR(200)
     DEFINE c1 t_customer
                order_num INTEGER,
                customer t_customer,
            END RECORD
     DEFINE custlist DYNAMIC ARRAY OF t_customer

The scope of a type is the same as for variables and constants. Types can be global, module-specific, or local to a function.

A good practice is to define types that belong to the same domain in a single .4gl module, and import that module in the modules where the types are needed.

By default, module-specific types are private; They cannot be used by an other module of the program. To make a module type public, add the PUBLIC keyword before TYPE. When a module type is declared as public, it can be referenced by another module by using the IMPORT instruction.