
The fglrun tool is the runtime system program that executes p-code programs.


fglrun [options] program [argument [...]]
  1. options are described in Table 1.
  2. program is a .42r or .42m p-code program.
  3. argument is an argument passed to the program


Table 1. fglrun options
Option Description
-V Display version information for the tool.
-h Displays options for the tool. Short help.
-i { mbcs } Displays information.
  • -i mbcs displays information about multibyte character set settings.
-d Start in debug mode. See The debugger for more details.
-e extfile[,...] Specify a C extension module to be loaded. This option can take a comma-separated list of extensions.
-l Link p-code modules together, see Compiling source files.
-o outfile Specify the output file for the link mode (-l option).
-b Displays compiler version information of the module, see Compiling source files.
-p Generate profiling information to stderr (UNIX™ only). See The profiler.
-M Display a memory usage diagnostic when program ends, see Optimization.
-m Check for memory leaks. If leaks are found, displays memory usage diagnostic and stops with status 1, see Optimization.

Passes Java™ runtime options when initializing the JNI interface.

See Java Interface for more details.

--print-imports Loads the specified modules and prints all IMPORT FGL instructions that should be used in each module. See Compiling source files.
--start-guilog=logfile Log all GUI protocol exchange in a file. The GUI log file can then be replayed with the --run-guilog option.
--run-guilog=logfile Replays a GUI log created with the --start-guilog option.


The fglrun tool executes p-code programs.
fglrun myprogram.42r -x 123

The program file must contain the MAIN routine.

The .42r or .42m extension is optional: if not used, fglrun will automatically search for files with these extensions.

The arguments passed to the program can be queried with the ARG_VAL() built-in function.