
The fgldbsch tool generates the database schema files from an existing database.


fgldbsch -db dbname [options]
  1. dbname is the name of the database from which the schema is to be extracted.
  2. options are described in Table 1.


Table 1. fgldbsch options
Option Description
-V Display version information for the tool.
-h Displays options for the tool. Short help.
-H Display long help.
-v Enable verbose mode (display information messages).
-ct Display data type conversion tables.
-cx dbtype Display data type conversion table for the give database type.
-db dbname Specify the database as dbname. This option is required to generate the schema files.
-dv dbdriver Specify the database driver to be used.
-un user Define the user name for database connection as user.
-up pswd Define the user password for database connection as pswd.
-ow owner Define the owner of the database tables as owner.
-cv string Specify the data type conversion rules by character positions in string.
-of name Specify output files prefix, default is database name.
-tn tabname Extract the description of a specific table.
-ie Ignore tables with columns having data types that cannot be converted.
-cu Generate upper case table and column names.
-cl Generate lower case table and column names.
-cc Generate case-sensitive table and column names.
-sc Extract shadow columns.
-st Extract system tables.
-om Run schema extractor in old fglschema mode (accepts -c and -r options)


The fgldbsch tool extracts the schema description for any database supported by the product.

The .sch schema file is mandatory to compiler forms or source modules using the SCHEMA instruction.