Stored procedures producing a result set

With SQL Server, you can execute stored procedures returning a result set. To do so, you must declare a cursor and fetch the rows.

The next example uses a stored procedure with a simple SELECT statement. If the stored procedure contains additional Transact-SQL statements such as SET or IF (which is the case in complex stored procedures), SQL Server generates multiple result sets. By default the Genero SQL Server driver uses "server cursors" to support multiple active SQL statements. But SQL Server stored procedures generating multiple result sets cannot be used with server cursors: The server cursor is silently converted to a "default result set" cursor by the ODBC driver. Since Default result set cursors do not support multiple active statements, you cannot use another SQL statement while processing the results of such stored procedure. You must CLOSE the cursor created for the stored procedure before continuing with other SQL statements.
   DATABASE test1
   CREATE TABLE tab1 ( c1 INTEGER, c2 DECIMAL(6,2), c3 VARCHAR(200) )
   INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES ( 1, 123.45, 'aaaaaa' )
   INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES ( 2, 123.66, 'bbbbbbbbb' )
   INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES ( 3, 444.77, 'cccccc' )
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "create procedure proc2 @key integer"
                || "  as select * from tab1 where c1 > @key"
   DECLARE curs CURSOR FROM "{ call proc2(?) }"
   LET i = 1
   FOREACH curs USING i INTO n, d, c
       DISPLAY n, d, c

It is possible to fetch large objects (text/image) from stored procedure generating a result set, however, if the stored procedure executes other statements as the SELECT (like SET/IF commands), the SQL Server ODBC driver will convert the server cursor to a regular default result set cursor, requiring the LOB columns to appear at the end of the select list. Thus, in most cases (stored procedures typically use SET / IF statements), you will have to move the LOB columns and the end of the column list.