DEFINE section in REPORT

Defines report parameters and local variables.


The syntax of the report DEFINE section is the same as for the DEFINE statement, except that you cannot define arrays or array members for records.


This section declares a data type for each formal argument in the REPORT prototype and for any additional local variables that can be referenced only within the REPORT program block. The DEFINE section is required if you pass arguments to the report or if you reference local variables in the report.

For declaring local report variables, the same rules apply to the DEFINE section as to the DEFINE statement in MAIN and FUNCTION program blocks. There are some differences and exceptions, however:

data types of local variables that are not formal arguments are unrestricted. You must include arguments in the report prototype and declare them in the DEFINE section, if any of the following conditions is true:

Aggregates dependent on all records include:

If your report calls an aggregate function, an error might result if any argument of an aggregate function is not also a format argument of the report. You can, however, use global or module variables as arguments of aggregates if the value of the variable does not change while the report is executing.

A report can reference variables of global or module scope that are not declared in the DEFINE section. Their values can be printed, but they can cause problems in aggregates and in BEFORE GROUP OF and AFTER GROUP OF clauses. Any references to non-local variables can produce unexpected results, however, if their values change while a two-pass report is executing.