Conditional statement output in XML reports

If PRINTX commands are used inside program flow control instructions like IF, CASE, FOR, FOREACH and WHILE, the XML output will contain additional nodes to identify such conditional print instructions:

    <Print name="...">
      <Item name="..." type="..." value="..." isoValue="..." />
    <Print name="...">
      <Item name="..." type="..." value="..." isoValue="..." />
    <Print name="...">
      <Item name="..." type="..." value="..." isoValue="..." />
  <When id="position">
    <Print name="...">
      <Item name="..." type="..." value="..." isoValue="..." />
    <Print name="...">
      <Item name="..." type="..." value="..." isoValue="..." />
    <Print name="...">
      <Item name="..." type="..." value="..." isoValue="..." />

That information can be useful to process an XML report output.