Intermediate field trigger execution

FGLPROFILE Dialog.fieldOrder controls execution of BEFORE/AFTER FIELD triggers of intermediate fields.


Dialog.fieldOrder = {true|false}


The Dialgo.fieldOrder FGLPROFILE entry defines the execution of BEFORE FIELD and AFTER FIELD triggers of intermediate fields.

When this parameter is set to true, as the end user moves to a new field with a mouse click, the runtime system executes the BEFORE FIELD and AFTER FIELD dialog control blocks of the input fields between the source field and the destination field. When the parameter is set to false, intermediate field triggers are not executed.

The Dialog.fieldOrder configuration parameter is ignored by the DIALOG multiple-dialog instruction or when using the FIELD ORDER FORM option in singular dialogs such as INPUT.

Do not use this feature for new developments: GUI applications allow users to jump from one field to any other field of the form by using the mouse. Therefore, it makes no sense to execute the BEFORE FIELD and AFTER FIELD triggers of intermediate fields in a graphical application.

Important: The default setting for the runtime system is false; while the default setting in FGLPROFILE for Dialog.fieldOrder is true. As a result, the overall setting after installation is true. To modify the behavior of intermediate field trigger execution, change the setting of Dialog.fieldOrder in FGLPROFILE to false, or use the FIELD ORDER FORM program option.