NUMERIC data types

Informix® supports several data types to store numbers:

Table 1. Informix numeric data types
Informix data type Description
SMALLINT 16 bit signed integer
INT / INTEGER 32 bit signed integer
BIGINT 64 bit signed integer
INT8 64 bit signed integer (replaced by BIGINT)
DEC / DECIMAL Equivalent to DECIMAL(16)
DEC(p) / DECIMAL(p) Floating-point decimal number
DEC(p,s) / DECIMAL(p,s) Fixed-point decimal number
MONEY Equivalent to DECIMAL(16,2)
MONEY(p) Equivalent to DECIMAL(p,2)
MONEY(p,s) Equivalent to DECIMAL(p,s)
REAL / SMALLFLOAT 32-bit floating point decimal (C float)
DOUBLE PRECISION / FLOAT[(n)] 64-bit floating point decimal (C double)


MySQL supports the following data types to store numbers:

Table 2. MySQL numeric data types
MySQL data type Description
DECIMAL(p) Stores whole numeric numbers up to p digits (not floating point)
DECIMAL(p,s) Maximum precision depends on MySQL Version, see documentation.
FLOAT[(M,D)] 4 bytes variable precision
DOUBLE[(M,D)] 8 bytes variable precision
SMALLINT 16 bit signed integer
INTEGER 32 bit signed integer
BIGINT 64 bit signed integer
Note: Before MySQL 5.0.3, the maximum range of DECIMAL values is the same as for DOUBLE. Since MySQL 5.0.3, DECIMAL can store real precision numbers as in Informix. However, the maximum number of digits depends on the version of MySQL, see documentation for more details. We strongly recommend that you make tests (INSERT+SELECT) to check whether large decimals are properly inserted and fetched back.