To configure a DB2® client
on Windows™ platforms, use
the Client Configuration Assistant. This tool is available only under Microsoft™ Windows. Under UNIX™,
you have to use the command line as described in the previous chapter.
- Source:
- Select “Manually configure a connection to a database”.
- Protocol:
- Select “TCP/IP”.
- Check “The database physically resides on a host or AS/400® System”.
- Host Name: AS/400 system
- Port Number: Port where DDM/DRDA server is listening (default:
- Database:
- Database name: name defined in the relational database directory
entries (with WRKRDBDIRE).
- You can register the database as an ODBC data source. Not needed
for DRDA® connection used by
- Node Options:
- Optional, but needed to access the database via the control
- System name: AS/400 system
- Instance name: not used for a connection to AS400 (because only
one instance is running on an AS/400).
- Operating System: OS/400®.
- Security Options:
- Host or AS400 Options: