Genero db provides ROWIDs, but the data type is different from Informix®. Informix ROWIDs are INTEGERs, while Genero db ROWIDs are BIGINT.

Genero db ROWIDs can be used to identify a unique row during the lifetime of the transaction. After the transaction is committed, the ROWID may change.

With Informix, SQLCA.SQLERRD[6] contains the ROWID of the last INSERTed or UPDATEd row. This is not currently supported with Genero db.


Important: Genero db ROWIDs are not fully compatible with Informix ROWIDs.

It is recommended that you review the code and remove any usage of ROWIDs, as their usage is not portable to other databases and may lead to problems when the code runs against any other databases. (For example, Oracle has ROWIDs, but they are CHARs instead of numeric.)