Defining the total number of rows in a list

The DISPLAY ARRAY and INPUT ARRAY dialogs can use dynamic or static arrays. Static arrays are supported for backward compatibility, use dynamic arrays for new developments.

When using a static array in DISPLAY ARRAY or INPUT ARRAY, you must specify the actual number of rows with the SET_COUNT() built-in function or with the COUNT dialog attribute. Both of them are only taken into account when the interactive instruction starts. Further, when using multiple lists in DIALOG, theSET_COUNT() built-in function is unusable, as it defines the total number of rows for all lists. Thus, the only way to define the number of rows when using a static array in multiple dialogs is to use the COUNT attribute.

When using a dynamic array in DISPLAY ARRAY or INPUT ARRAY, the total number of rows is automatically defined by the array variable (array.getLength()). Note that special consideration has to be taken when using the paged mode. In this mode, the dynamic array only holds a page of the row set: You must specify the total number of rows with the ui.Dialog.setArrayLength() method.