User interface / Ring menus |
The MENU instruction defines a set of options the end user can select to trigger actions in a program.
MENU [title] [ ATTRIBUTES ( menu-attribute [,...] ) ] [ BEFORE MENU menu-statement [...] ] menu-option [...] END MENU
where menu-option is one of:
{ COMMAND option-name [option-comment] [ HELP help-number ] menu-statement [...] | COMMAND KEY ( key-name ) option-name [option-comment] [ HELP help-number ] menu-statement [...] | COMMAND KEY ( key-name ) menu-statement [...] | ON ACTION action-name menu-statement [...] | ON IDLE idle-seconds menu-statement [...] }
where menu-statement is:
{ statement | CONTINUE MENU | EXIT MENU | NEXT OPTION option | SHOW OPTION { ALL | option [,...] } | HIDE OPTION { ALL | option [,...] } }
where menu-attribute is:
{ STYLE = { "default" | "popup" | "dialog" } | COMMENT = "string" | IMAGE = "string" }