Localized strings in XML resource files

In XML resource files, localized string specification must follow the XML syntax and therefore must be defined as an XML node.

Syntax: Localized string in XML files

  <ParentNode attribute = "default" [...] >
     <LStr attribute = "sid" [...] />
  1. ParentNode is the node type of the parent where the localized strings must be applied.
  2. attribute is the attribute in the parent node that will get the localized string identified by sid.
  3. default is the default text of an attribute, if not localized string is found for sid.
  4. sid is a character string literal that defines both the string identifier and the default text.


In .42m p-code modules, the localized strings are coded in a proprietary binary format. But, for XML files such as action defaults files (.4ad), the localized strings must be written with a specific node, following the XML standards. To support localized strings in XML files, any file loaded into the Abstract User Interface tree is parsed to search for <LStr> nodes. The <LStr> nodes define the same attributes as in the parent node with localized string identifiers, for example:
<Label text="Hello!" >
  <LStr text="label01" />

The runtime system automatically replaces corresponding attributes in the parent node (text="Hello!"), with the localized text found in the compiled string files, according to the string identifier (label01). After interpretation, the <LStr> nodes are removed from the XML data.

To take effect, a localized attribute in the <LStr> node must have a corresponding attribute in the parent node.