FGLPROFILE entry syntax

Description of the syntax of FGLPROFILE entries.


entry = value
where entry is:
ident [.ident [.ident] [...] ] ]
and value is:
  [-]{ digit [...] }[ . digit [...] ]
| " alphanum [...] "
| {true|false}
  1. entry identifies the name of the entry. This can be a dot-separated list of identifiers.
  2. value is the value of the entry; it might be a numeric value, a string literal, or a boolean value (true/false).


An FGLPROFILE entry is a line in the configuration file associating a parameter name to a value that can be specified as a numeric, string or boolean.

The entries are defined by a name composed of a list of identifiers separated by a dot character. Entry names are converted to lower case when loaded by the runtime system. In order to avoid any confusion, it is recommended to write FGLPROFILE entry names in lower case. If an entry is defined several times in the same file, the last entry found in the file is used. No error is raised.

The value can be a numeric literal, a string literal, or a boolean (true/false).

Numeric values are composed by an optional sign, followed by digits, followed by an optional decimal point and digits:
my.numeric.entry = -1566.57
String values must be delimited by single or double quotes. The escape character is backslash, \t \n \r \f are interpreted as TAB, NL, CR, FF.
my.string.entry = "C:\\data\\test1.dbf"
Boolean values must be either the true or false keyword:
my.boolean.entry = true
report.aggregatezero = true 
gui.connection.timeout = 100
dbi.database.stores.source = "C:\\data\\test1.dbf"
dbi.database.stores.prefetch.rows = 200