NEXT FIELD instruction

The NEXT FIELD field-name instruction gives the focus to the specified field. You typically use this instruction to control field input dynamically, in BEFORE FIELD or AFTER FIELD blocks, or to control row validation in AFTER ROW.

Abstract field identification is supported with the CURRENT,NEXT and PREVIOUS keywords. These keywords represent the current, next and previous fields respectively. When using FIELD ORDER FORM, the NEXT and PREVIOUS options follow the tabbing order defined by the form. Otherwise, they follow the order defined by the input binding list (with theFROM or BY NAME clause). When selecting anon-editable field with NEXT FIELD NEXT, the runtime system will re-select the current field since it is the next editable field in the dialog. As a result the end user sees no change.

When using NEXT FIELD in AFTER ROW or in ON ROW CHANGE, the dialog will stay in the current row and give the control back to the user. This behavior allows to implement data input rules:
   IF NOT int_flag AND arr_curr() <= arr_count() THEN
      IF arr[arr_curr()].it_count * arr[arr_curr()].it_value > maxval THEN
         ERROR "Amount of line exceeds max value."
         NEXT FIELD item_count 
      END IF

The purpose of the NEXT FIELD instruction is give the focus to an editable field. Make sure that the field specified in NEXT FIELD is active, or use NEXT FIELD CURRENT. Non-editable fields are fields defined with the NOENTRY attribute, fields disabled at runtime with ui.Dialog.setFieldActive("field-name", FALSE), or fields using a widget that does not allow input, such as a LABEL. If a NEXT FIELD instruction specifies a non-editable field, the BEFORE FIELD block of that field is executed. Then the dialog tries to give the focus to that field. Since the field cannot get the focus, the dialog will perform the last pressed navigation key (Tab, Shift-Tab, Left, Right, Up, Down, Accept) and execute the related control blocks, including the AFTER FIELD block of the non-editable field. If no last key is identified, the dialog considers Tab as fallback and moves to the next editable field as defined by the FIELD ORDER mode used by the dialog. Doing a NEXT FIELD to a non-editable field can lead to infinite loops in the dialog; Use NEXT FIELD CURRENT instead.