Item tags

Item tags define the position and size of a form item in the layout of a form.

An item tag defines the position and size of a form item in a grid-area of a GRID or SCROLLGRID container.


[identifier [-] [|...]]
  1. identifier references a form item.
  2. The optional - dash defines the real width of the element.
  3. The | pipe can be used as item tag separator (equivalent to ][).


An item tag is delimited by square braces ([]) or pipes (|) and contains an identifier used to reference the description of the form item in the ATTRIBUTES section.

Each item tag must be indicated by left and right delimiters to show the length of the item and its position within the container layout. Both delimiters must appear on the same line. You must use left and right braces ([]) to delimit item tags. The number of characters and the delimiters define the width of the region to be used by the item:
  Name:  [f001                               ]
The form item position starts after the open square brace and the length is defined by the number of characters between the square braces. The following example defines a form item starting at position 3, with a length of 2:

By default, the real width of the form item is defined by the number of characters used between the tag delimiters.

For some special items like BUTTONEDIT, COMBOBOX and DATEEDIT, the width of the field is adjusted to include the button. The form compiler computes the width as: width=nbchars-2 if nbchars>2:
[f1     ]  -- this EDIT gets a width of 7
[f2     ]  -- this BUTTONEDIT gets a width of 5 (7-2)
If the default width generated by the form compiler does not fit, the - dash symbol can be used to define the real width of the item. In this example, the form item occupies 7 grid cells, but gets a real width of 5 (i.e. for an EDIT field, you would be able to enter 5 characters):
[f1   - ]
To make two items appear directly next to each other, you can use the pipe symbol (|) to indicate the end of the first item and the beginning of the second item:
  Info:  [f001    |f002             |f003    ]
If you need the form to support items with a specific height (more that one line), you can specify multiple-segment item tags that occupy several lines of a grid-area. To create a multiple-segment item, repeat the item tag delimiters without the item identifier on successive lines:
  Multi-segment: [f001                               ]
                 [                                   ]
                 [                                   ]
                 [                                   ]
                 [                                   ]

The notation applies to the new LAYOUT section only. For backward compatibility (when using a SCREEN section), multiple-segment items can be specified by repeating the identifier in sub-lines.

If the same item tag (i.e. using the same identifier) appears more than once in the layout, it defines a column of a screen array:
  Single-line static screen array:
    [f001          ] [f002          ]  [f003          ]
    [f001          ] [f002          ]  [f003          ]
    [f001          ] [f002          ]  [f003          ]
    [f001          ] [f002          ]  [f003          ]
You can even define a multi-line list of fields:
  Multi-line static screen array:
    [f001          ]  [f002          ]
        [f003                                          ]
    [f001          ]  [f002          ]
        [f003                                          ]
    [f001          ]  [f002          ]
        [f003                                          ]
    [f001          ]  [f002          ]
        [f003                                          ]