Be notified for mouse moves over the drop target

When the ON DROP control block is defined, the ON DRAG_OVER block will be executed after ON DRAG_ENTER, when the mouse cursor is moving over the drop target, or when the drag & drop operation has changed (toggling copy/move).

ON DRAG_OVER will be called only once per row, even if the mouse cursor moves over the row.

In the ON DRAG_OVER block, the method ui.DragDrop.getLocationRow() returns the index of the row in the target array, and can be used to allow or deny the drop. When using a tree-view, you must also check the index returned by the ui.DragDrop.getLocationParent() method to detect if the object was dropped as a sibling or as a child node, and allow/deny the drop operation accordingly.

The program can change the drop operation at any execution of the ON DRAG_OVER block. You can deny or allow a specific drop operation with a call to ui.DragDrop.setOperation(); passing a NULL to the method will deny the drop.

The current operation (returned by ui.DragDrop.getOperation()) is the value set in previous ON DRAG_ENTER or ON DRAG_OVER events, or the operation selected by the end user, if it can toggle between copy and move. Thus, ON DRAG_OVER can occur even if the mouse position has not changed.

If dropping has been denied with ui.DragDrop.setOperation(NULL) in the previous ON DRAG_OVER event, the program can reset the operation to allow a drop with a call to ui.DragDrop.setOperation() with the operation parameter "move" or "copy".

ON DRAG_OVER will not be called if drop has been disabled in ON DRAG_ENTER with ui.DragDrop.setOperation(NULL)

ON DRAG_OVER is optional, and must only be defined if the operation or the acceptance of the drag object depends on the target row of the drop target.

DEFINE dnd ui.DragDrop 
DISPLAY ARRAY arr TO sr.* ...
  ON DRAG_OVER (dnd)
    IF arr[dnd.getLocationRow()].acceptsCopy THEN
      CALL dnd.setOperation("copy")
      CALL dnd.setOperation(NULL)
    END IF
  ON DROP (dnd)