Read-only record list / Examples |
Form definition file "custlist.per" (same as in Example 1)
IMPORT FGL fgldialog SCHEMA shop MAIN DEFINE arr DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD LIKE customer.* DEFINE cnt, ofs, len, row, i INTEGER DATABASE shop OPEN FORM f1 FROM "custlist" DISPLAY FORM f1 DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id, fname, lname FROM customer LET cnt = 1 FOREACH c1 INTO arr[cnt].* LET cnt = cnt + 1 END FOREACH CALL arr.deleteElement(cnt) DISPLAY ARRAY arr TO srec.* ATTRIBUTES(UNBUFFERED) ON UPDATE INPUT arr[arr_curr()].* WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM srec[scr_line()].* ; ON INSERT INPUT arr[arr_curr()].* FROM srec[scr_line()].* ; ON APPEND INPUT arr[arr_curr()].* FROM srec[scr_line()].* ; ON DELETE LET int_flag = fgl_winQuestion("Delete", "Do you really want to delete this row?", "yes", "no|yes", "help", 0) == "no" END DISPLAY END MAIN