Variable binding in DISPLAY ARRAY

The DISPLAY ARRAY statement binds the members of the array of record to the screen array fields specified with the TO keyword. Array members and screen array fields are bound by position (i.e. not by name). The number of variables in each record of the program array must be the same as the number of fields in each screen record (that is, in a single row of the screen array).
SCHEMA stock
DEFINE cust_arr DYNAMIC ARRAY OF customer.*
DISPLAY ARRAY cust_arr TO sr.*

Keep in mind that array members are bound to screen array fields by position, so you must make sure that the members of the array are defined in the same order as the screen array fields.

When using the UNBUFFERED attribute, the instruction is sensitive to program variable changes. This means that you do not have to DISPLAY the values; setting the program variable used by the dialog automatically displays the data into the corresponding form field.
ON ACTION change 
   LET arr[arr_curr()].field1 = newValue()

If the program array has the same structure as a database table (this is the case when the array is defined with a DEFINE LIKE clause), you may not want to display/use some of the columns. You can achieve this by used PHANTOM fields in the screen array definition. Phantom fields will only be used to bind program variables, and will not be transmitted to the front-end for display.