Starting fglrun in debug mode

In order to use the debugger, you must start the virtual machine with the -d option:
fglrun -d myprog
The debugger can be used alone in the command line mode or with a graphical shell compatible with gdb such as ddd:
ddd --debugger "fglrun -d myprog"

The debugger supports a subset of the standard GNU C/C++ debugger called gdb.

In command line mode, the debugger shows the following prompt
A command is a single line of input. It starts with a command name, which may be followed by arguments whose meaning depends on the command name. For example, the command step accepts as an argument the number of times to step:
(fgldb) step 5
You can use command abbreviations. For example, the 'step' command abbreviation is 's':
(fgldb) s 5

Possible command abbreviations are shown in the command's syntax.

A blank line as input to the debugger (pressing just the RETURN or ENTER keys) usually causes the previous command to repeat. However, commands whose unintentional repetition might cause problems will not repeat in this way.