The PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH element defines the public resources directory used by applications.


  1. Where path is a path to your application resources.

Child elements

There are no child elements.


Use the PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH element to define a path to your public resources directory used by the DVM or fglrun to look for resources used by applications. This path is relative to the root path appdata/public. The "appdata" resource, as it is commonly known, is set by the resource $(res.appdata.path)$(res.appdata.path).

Usage example with resource

        <TIMEOUT Using="cpn.wa.timeout"/>
If the value of the resource $(res.public.resources) is set by default as in the as.xcf file to "common", images are therefore sought in the appdata/public/common directory.
<RESOURCE Id="res.public.resources" Source="INTERNAL">common</RESOURCE>

Usage example with path

        <TIMEOUT Using="cpn.wa.timeout"/>
In this example, the value of the PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH is set to "myapp/newpictures", so images are therefore sought in the appdata/public/myapp/newpictures directory.

Parent elements

This element is a child of the following element: UA_OUTPUT