Zoom form with Web Service entity

A Zoom form and SOAP Web Service or Zoom form and JSON Web Service entity generates the code for a Zoom form (a GUI supporting read operations only using a direct connection to a database) and the code for a single standalone Web Service (doing read operations only using Web service requests.)

There is no relation between the form and standalone Web service, however you can use the same object in two different situations: to display a read-only form and to define a Web Service.

Only Read operation is generated for a Zoom form and Web Service entity.

The object files can be opened and edited in Form Designer.


The Type property is set to "ZoomWebService" for a CRUD Form with SOAP Web Service entity, and "ZoomWebServiceJSON" for a CRUD Form with JSON Web Service entity.

The Service Name property must be set, otherwise the Web Service will not execute. The Comment property is optional.

The other properties of the standard Zoom Form entity also apply.

Implementing the Zoom Form and Web Service

To implement a Form with Web Service entity, right-click on the entity and select one of the following:
  • Implement Form and Web Service: Creates a new blank managed Web service definition file to design from scratch.
  • Implement Form and Web Service from Database: Provides a wizard to create a managed Web service definition file, allowing you to pick the columns to use in the CRUD operations. This option is generally preferred. The Web service can be modified after it is created.

When the Zoom Form and Web Service are implemented, an XML definition file (.4fdzws for SOAP or .4fdzwsj for JSON) is generated. Any changes to the Web Service entity properties in the BA diagram or in the generated file are included in the subsequent re-generating of the program code.

The Form and Web Service can be opened and edited in the Business Record; right-click the Web Service entity and select Open. For further details, see Business records (data sets).