Viewing a meta-schema

Once a database meta-schema file has been created, it can be viewed and enriched with information that is not present in the database. Opening a meta-schema file displays it as a diagram for viewing and editing.

Each table and view is described by an table/view object in the diagram. View objects are identified by an icon to the left of the view name. The structure of the database tables is displayed in the Database Structure view.

Figure: Viewing the schema

This figure is a screenshot of the panels used when working with a meta-schema.

Icons on the diagram and in the Database Structure view indicate when a column's status has been changed: added (), modified (), or removed ().

A red circle icon with a white exclamation point, found in the upper left corner of the visual representation of the table, identifies a table that has been modified. To view the specifics of the modification, hover over the icon with your mouse.
Figure: Viewing the modifications for a table

Screen shot of mouse hovering over icon, with schema changes displayed for the table.

Zoom in and out

Zoom in and out by holding down the Ctrl key while using the mouse wheel.

Reverting a change

Revert any changes made to the schema with Database > Revert.... For more information, go to Revert schema changes dialog

Multiple views

Right-click the View tab at the bottom of the document to duplicate, rename, or delete a view. You may display multiple views of the same meta-schema.

Filter shown items

Filter the items shown on the diagram with the right-click context menu Filter View.... For more information, go to Filter View dialog.

Re-order columns

You can re-order columns using drag-and-drop.

Move a column to another table

You can use drag-and-drop to move a column from one table to another.

Show or hide foreign key names

To show foreign key names, right-click on the diagram and select Display Foreign Keys Label.

To hide foreign key names, right-click on the diagram and clear Display Foreign Keys Label.

View the details behind the icons

You can mouse over any object on the diagram that has a visual icon (such as a primary key icon or a status icon) to view the details of that icon. For example, if a table has a status icon indicating a change, mouse over the change icon to view the details of the changes.