
Function called to initialize the business record with default values.


PUBLIC FUNCTION dataEvent_record_OnDefaultValues( 
   currentRow record-type)
   RETURNS (record-type)

The function has this parameter:

  1. currentRow. This is a RECORD type defined in the generated common file (my_entity_common.4gl). It defines the current row in the business record according to the structure of the database table.
It returns:
  1. record-type. This is a RECORD type defined according to the structure of the database table.


When you select the On Default Values property for the creation of the event, a function shell is created. Enter your code in the function.

This function is called to initialize the business record with default values. Use this function if you need to change a default value, or if you want to set a default value for a field that does not have a default value defined in the database schema.

Example: OnDefaultValues

This example uses the On Default Values event for the Account table in the OfficeStore demo.

In this example, the value for the "langpref" field is set to "English". As a result, the default value is set for this field in the return record currentRow.

PUBLIC FUNCTION dataEvent_recAccount_OnDefaultValues(currentRow recAccount_br_type)
    RETURNS (recAccount_br_type)

    CALL libdbappCore.log(C_LOG_INFO, "dataEvent_recAccount_OnDefaultValues (Row scope) is raised")
    LET currentRow.account_langpref = "English"
    CALL libdbappCore.log(C_LOG_INFO, "dataEvent_recAccount_OnDefaultValues (Row scope) is exited")

    RETURN currentRow.*

For more information on the libdbappCore.log() function, go to DBAPPDEBUG and the debug level API.